
Thank you for your interest in our workshops.

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Women and Estate Planning Webinar-May 2024

Webinar: Women and Estate Planning

Join Catholic United Financial and Attorney Rachel Schromen for a webinar that will guide women through the fundamental principles of estate planning, offering actionable insights and practical advice.

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Do you want to learn more about financial topics on your own time? Visit our webinar channel to find on-demand videos on several financial education topics by our experts.

Request a webinar or workshop

Learn how to make better financial decisions and plan for the future by bringing one of our webinars or workshops to your parish. There are no selling or “buy now” sales pitches at these workshops. They are strictly informational to help parishioners make better financial decisions and plan for the future.

We have a year-long webinar/workshop series that is customizable and pre-packaged for the local Catholic church. Materials and speakers are provided free of charge by Catholic United.