Happy Birthday, Catholic United Financial!

Today is the first business day of our 145th year of operation. Happy birthday, Catholic United Financial!
From President Mike Ahles: “It was a Tuesday so many years ago and delegates from ten Catholic parishes across Minnesota went to Assumption Catholic Church to form the Mutual Life Insurance Association of the German Roman Catholic Benevolent Societies of Minnesota, what we now know as Catholic United Financial.
I wonder what these visionary leaders experienced as they made their way to Saint Paul. Was it snowy and cold? How long did it take to make the trip by train or even a covered carriage?
These authors of our Association certainly didn’t make this trip to do their work with the comforts we have today, in our heated cars moving down nicely paved (and recently plowed!) roads. Their commitment and resolve to protect their families by banding together, and connect each other as a community of Catholics, is amazing when you think about what they went through to bring this vision to life.
If the spirits of our founding fathers can hear me or read this – Thank You!!! I am sure they would be so proud of the generations of us who have continued to live this vision through wars, a depression, recessions, tough times, and blessed times. Which brings me to my thanks to you for your part in our history. I appreciate you and am inspired by you!! Thank you! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!