The 12 Days of (a Catholic United) Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoy my version of a Christmas classic, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” — Catholic United style.

Michael Ahles
President, Catholic United Financial

On the
1st Day

of Christmas our Members sent to me, 1 heap of inspiration for the generosity they deliver each day.

On the
2nd Day

of Christmas our Delegates sent to me, 2 progressive changes to our Constitution and Bylaws.

On the
3rd Day
On the
4th Day

of Christmas our St. John the Baptist Council #131 in Searles, Minn. sent to me, 4 (thousand) dozen hand-crafted Christmas cookies.

On the
5th Day

of Christmas our Foundation sent to me, 5 (million) dollars in assets from generous donors.

On the
6th Day

of Christmas our Employees sent to me, 6 new retirees who leave us with a combined 149 years of service to Members.

On the
7th Day

of Christmas our Employees sent to me, 7 new life insurance plans to protect Members.

On the
8th Day

of Christmas our Delegates sent to me, 8 outstanding Board Members to help me lead our wonderful Association.

On the
9th Day

of Christmas our Credit Union sent to me, 9 (hundred) new Members from our Saint Thomas Employee Federal Credit Union merger.

On the
10th Day

of Christmas my Board of Directors sent to me, a 10th opportunity to serve our Association for another year.

On the
11th Day

of Christmas our Catholic Dioceses sent to me, 11 Priest Golf Events to connect and extend our Catholic United story.

On the
12th Day

of Christmas our Councils and Volunteer Teams sent to me, 12 (hundred) events held during the past year connecting fellow Catholics in our good works.

May the joy and wonder of Advent and the Merriness of Christmas refresh your spirit and bring you peace!