Find out if federal and state tax day delays benefit you

The IRS has announced that the “Tax Day Delay” from April 15, 2021 to May 17, 2021 is now official. This official Tax Day Delay applies to everyone. You do not need to file for an extension to take advantage of this new deadline.

What does this mean for Traditional or Roth IRA owners?

First, the IRS will continue to allow contributions to your Catholic United IRA for the year 2020 until May 17. If you have not yet maxed out your 2020 IRA contributions, you still have time to add to your IRA until May 17, 2021. Catholic United is also accepting contributions for the 2021 tax year until April 15, 2022.

Second, the deadline to file Form 5498 IRA Contribution Information has been extended to June 20, 2021. Due to this change, Catholic United will mail your Form 5498 to you in June instead of May this year.

As always, your local Catholic United Sales Representative is available to answer your questions about this and other Catholic United policies and services. Members can login to find the contact information for their local rep, or find a directory by last name or zip code by clicking here

2020 IRA Contribution Limits

Individuals under age 50
Individuals age 50 and older

2020 Tax Filing Deadlines

Federal and State

2020 Federal Tax Filing Deadline
May 17, 2021
Minnesota Tax Filing Deadline
May 17, 2021
Wisconsin Tax Filing Deadline
May 17, 2021
North Dakota Tax Filing Deadline
May 17, 2021
South Dakota Tax Filing Deadline
May 17, 2021
Iowa Tax Filing Deadline
June 1, 2021

Catholic United does not provide tax or legal advice. Any information provided herein is publicly available through or local state government web sites. You may wish to consult your personal tax or legal advisor with questions about your specific situation.