
Leader Resources

Approved Logos

The logos below are available for use in council, PVT and parish publications. Right-click on the logos below to save to your computer.
Black and White Catholic United logo with transparent background
White Catholic United logo with transparent background

Handbooks and Helps

Click on the image or name to view the following handbooks and resource sheets for volunteers.

Matching Grants

Matching Grant Instructions

Member Advisor Graphics

The links below are to graphics to be inserted in promotional materials for events. This is a requirement for all sponsored events.

Become a member and become something more

Membership in Catholic United Financial starts after you purchase a product from us. Membership means aligning your finances to your faith, and:

  • Making our grants, scholarships and incentive programs possible
  • Encouraging volunteer work and training
  • Fundraising for Catholic parishes, schools and religious education programs
  • Participating in the business decisions of a company that is member-owned and operated
  • Bringing benefits to your local Catholic community