Geralyn Nathe-Evens is a columnist for Catholic United Financial
Believe In Love

Blog by Geralyn Nathe-Evens

Catholic United Financial member Geralyn Nathe-Evans is a licensed nurse with a master’s degree in pastoral ministry. Through her education, career practice and suffering the death of her own husband in 2014, Nathe-Evans is a compassionate, optimistic voice finding the glory and comfort of God in our most trying moments. She can be contacted at

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and future.

Is anyone else wondering what this is all about? Life, that is? My life 11 months ago looked so very different from my life today. I was the gal who used a planner. I was the parent who color coded every member of our family and, for over 35 years, visually organized our lives. It was comfortable and provided security in our busy family life.

A few weeks ago I discovered something: my calendar planner was missing! It had been replaced by my journal in which I write entries each day of this journey. After a frantic search, I discovered the planner had found its way under a pile of books.

People ask, “How are you?” I knew, or at least thought I knew how I was. I knew that initially included in that question was their practical concern for what I might need: groceries, bread, milk, even toilet paper! Now that question may carry a multitude of intentions.

I have reached a new point in the “how I am” as well, meaning how I journey. I am no longer sure “how” I am. I have become comfortable in this unknown in which we reside. I do not like it, but I have found my place. I am feeling like I am forgetting how my life used to be. There are so many ways of that life I miss.

Today, of this I am sure; God is faithful. God is with us in these days and all will be well!

I have with intent found that how I am and being well is supported by a few practices that keep me thriving, not merely surviving. While these may not be the best practices for you, you may find a morsel of insight to lead your own best life in pandemic times.

I have a basket of care next to my favorite chair. My basket of care includes, my bible, a few rotating books of reflections, my journal, my address book, some note cards, and some pretty-colored pens, and, so important as well, a few treats of chocolate! The basket allows me to have these items available to use, and it is easy to grab and move to my next location.

Believe in Love blog post Have we lost our purpose

The Lord assures us that we are indeed people of purpose. I strive to embrace each day with hope and a purpose. But it can be a struggle, and I have needed to live with intent in this COVID world.

• I begin and end each day with positive and supportive care from Scripture and reflections.

• I have been sending notes and cards to others. It began with family and friends, and grew to others I know from church and community. Getting mail is such fun. It feels good to be thought of and it feels great to think of others.

• I journal and write about my days. I list three things I am grateful for, praying for and my longings. I am making lists of all I hope to do in the future when the world of staying at home lifts.

• I am trying to call others, to check in to ask how I can pray for them, to ask them what they are hoping for and looking forward to in our future.

I believe that God continues to have plans for me, for my life, for our lives. Our God is the God of hope and future. For now, I will continue to be grateful in these moments of slower patterns, to live in that hope, and to plan be open for the future that will bless us in the days ahead.

Do you need prayer?
Submit your prayer intention to Catholic United’s Prayer Network here.


Read more of Geralyn’s posts and about her background on Believe In Love blog.