Writing my way to healing

Geralyn Nathe-Evens is a columnist for Catholic United Financial
Believe In Love

Blog by Geralyn Nathe-Evens

Catholic United Financial member Geralyn Nathe-Evans is a licensed nurse with a master’s degree in pastoral ministry. Through her education, career practice and suffering the death of her own husband in 2014, Nathe-Evans is a compassionate, optimistic voice finding the glory and comfort of God in our most trying moments. She can be contacted at believenlove@yahoo.com.

Writing helps to slow me down and find the words to explain feelings and thoughts.

I enjoy writing. I find healing in words. Writing helps to slow me down and find the words to explain feelings and thoughts. To seek this understanding is cathartic for me.

I have a pretty book with me to journal in most anytime. The feel of paper, the colors of the book cover can lift my spirits. I enjoy and find joy in pretty colored pens and pencils. A good cup of tea or wine, a blanket and a comfortable place to sit can be among my most treasured times these days.

I would like to share with you some questions that have been most helpful in my journey of reconciling loss. These questions have brought me great comfort. I appreciate using questions and thoughts repeatedly in my process of writing.

That the words trigger thoughts that may lead me to laughter and smiles of the joy of life. They also can lead me to tears. I have come to be comfortable embracing and honoring these sacred times of memories and hope for the future.

I have come to recognize that I heal through remembering, celebrating and believing in promises of God who loves me beyond my understanding. I believe in the resurrection. I believe in life ever after. I embrace that this is not our home and my God loves and cares for me in joy and sorrow.

I wish you well and am holding those who use these questions in prayer. Really, I am praying for you each night! May you too find some care in your thoughts, your memories and your writing.

Questions for the bereaved to reflect/write about:

I’m grieving the loss of…

For me, the most difficult time of day is…

I miss so much…

I cherish the memory of…

When I am sad…

It can be helpful when….

I wish my family knew…

I wish my friends would…

For me, it can be hurtful when…

I feel cared for when others…

I feel support when…

I feel support from…

Believe n love,


Read more of Geralyn’s posts and about her background on Believe In Love blog.