Protect your parish from future decline in the Age of Covid

Building Stronger Parishes Webinar

Originally broadcast on August 20, 2020

Building Stronger Parishes Webinar

How do you minister effectively in the COVID-19 era? How do we connect to a culture and society moving away from a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church? Can we effectively evangelize in a climate of uncertainty and fear? 

Catholic United Financial is inviting members of the Catholic clergy to receive insight on these questions and more at a free webinar on August 20, 2020, staring at 9 am and concluding at 10:30 am. Building Stronger Parishes webinar is a 90-minute session featuring author and speaker Father James Mallon of Divine Renovation.

Member Engagement Director Nate Lamusga says Catholic United wants to encourage members of the clergy by offering them this free resource.

I found Father Mallon’s book to be an inspiring account of the transformation of his parish community and we wanted to share that message of hope with the priests of all the dioceses in which Catholic United serves.  Especially during a time of such disruption and change due to COVID-19, this is an opportunity to truly build stronger parishes as we adapt to this new era of evangelization.”

A limited quantity of Fr. Mallon’s new book Divine Renovation Beyond the Parish will be given to those who attend, plus opportunities to receive further coaching through Divine Renovation’s Kickstart Coaching program.

Parishioners are encouraged to invite their clergy members to attend on this opportunity for enrichment. The webinar is free to attend.

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