

John Tetzloff

John Tetzloff is an Advanced Case Specialist with Catholic United Financial. He speaks throughout the Upper Midwest at workshops that cover topics including estate planning, charitable giving, asset protection and final expense planning. Contact John by email. Learn more about Catholic United workshops.

John Tetzloff, Advanced Case Specialist, provides expert estate planning advice

Most Frequent Questions About Retirement: Will I have enough?

It’s not surprising that people across the life spectrum tend to have the same concerns. When I sit down with folks to talk about their finances, they often ask the same questions. Here are some of the most frequent questions I hear and how I answer them.
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a path winding through a fantasy-like forest setting

Estate planning doesn’t have to be a fairy tale

Unlike fictions and fairy tales, I would like to tell a TRUE story that is quite common among those we assist with their estate planning. Although this story has somewhat of a sad ending, it reflects the courage and persistence needed to make sure things are in order when life takes a turn.
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