
Life Insurance

Life insurance is the foundation of a family financial plan.

Father holds son in a tender way

Life insurance protects families with children from lingering tragedy

As a parent, I can’t imagine the emotions around dealing with expenses related to a child who has died, or trying to find money for lingering bills while I’m comforting my wife and children.
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Young couple look skeptical about saving

The WHY of saving money and planning ahead

It’s difficult to make yourself do something if you don’t understand the meaning behind the act. Especially when it comes to the onslaught of retirement and financial planner advice and advertising, there’s one fundamental question that goes unanswered, “WHY?”
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Man pondering his savings paths to retirement Shutterstock

Considering another way to save for retirement? UL delivers.

People are looking for secure vehicles for retirement savings, but low interest rates leave the customer with a tough choice: risk the stomach-churning gamble of the stock market or accept more secure savings tools with rates of return that barely perform. Catholic United has a third choice: Universal Life Insurance.
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