Connect With Us

Financial products and services for Catholics

We are a member-owned, not-for-profit financial services company, connecting people of faith, protecting their future and generously impacting parishes, schools and communities.

Catholic United Financial, a Trusted Fraternal Life brand, provides our members with quality life insurance and retirement savings options, while giving them opportunities to impact their Catholic parishes, schools and community.

Our Vision

All people are financially secure, faith-filled, and engaged in their communities.

Our Mission

We financially protect and connect members in faith and joyful service at every step of life’s journey.

Our Products and Planning


Protection for your way of life, the foundation of your financial plan, the safety net for your family, a loving gift


Guaranteed income for retirement, free of stock market risk and service fees

Piggy Bank

Retirement savings options that offer tax advantages and guarantees depending on your life situation

Two bandaids.

Alleviate health concerns and costs later in life with these two types of helpful coverage

Pen and Paper

Protect your assets and know your wishes and Catholic faith will be honored after your passing

Gift Box

We can help you extend your modest gift into a beneficial legacy

Offering donor advised funds, grant programs and charitable giving resources to all levels of givers.

Full service credit union featuring loans, savings and checking, CDs and more.

What is a fraternal benefit society?

As a fraternal life insurance company, Catholic United Financial has a special purpose — recognized by the federal government with tax-exempt status. We provide our members with excellent insurance and financial products and we return our profits to our Catholic communities in the forms of grants, scholarships and assistance. According to the American Fraternal Alliance, fraternal benefit societies like Catholic United Financial provide billions of dollars back to the American public in the form of volunteer hours, grants and scholarships. For more information, visit

Become a member and become something more

Catholic United Financial is dedicated to working with you to improve the financial strength of your family, your church and your community. We work daily to:

  • Help Catholics and their families build a more stable and secure financial foundation
  • Encourage and coordinate volunteers through our council network
  • Raise and distribute millions in grants and scholarships
  • Provide funds and fund raising support for Catholic parishes and schools
  • Connect to the next generation by encouraging young Catholics to explore and develop their faith
  • Support Catholic families & communities
A family of 5 riding scooters at the church playground.

Annual Reports

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Terms of Service

Catholic United Financial, a Trusted Fraternal Life brand, is not licensed in all states. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a solicitation for insurance, financial products or annuity products in any state in which Catholic United Financial is not licensed. Catholic United Financial is licensed to sell insurance in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Catholic United Financial is a member of the American Fraternal Alliance.