Ahead and Ahead Safely

Safe, contactless meetings with local reps available

Your local representative is ready to meet however you need to keep you safe and informed

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and financial companies like Catholic United were given the “essential” official classification by state governments, they were telling us something we already knew: our employees are essential to the well being of our members. Now, as the challenges of doing business in the quarantine period continue, our sales representatives are prepared to keep our members informed about their products while they shelter as required by state and local governments.

Our Home Office in Minnesota remains COVID-free and has been functionally staffed since the spring. You will always talk to a real human being when you call our Home Office during business hours. We’re proud to say that even a global pandemic has not changed that.

…members have told us that they found comfort in reviewing their retirement and estate plans…it brings peace of mind to know your financial house is in order.

Many members have told us that they found comfort in reviewing their retirement and estate plans – making sure beneficiaries are up to date and plans are appropriately adjusted. It brings peace of mind to know your financial house is in order.

In an anxious era, we are encouraging all of our members to check in with their local representative to review their products. It’s especially comforting to know in times like these that Catholic United’s products are specifically designed to provide safety and security. Your local representative can show you how that stability protects you.

To protect our members, Catholic United has adopted technology and policies to ensure “contactless” appointments can take place. Using online meeting apps, your local representative can meet with you remotely through a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone.

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Our reps can also make old-fashioned house calls and can have a conversation with you appropriately distanced in your yard — weather permitting, of course. Before an appointment like this takes place, your rep might ask you a couple of simple questions about your household level of COVID-19 exposure. Please don’t be offended. We require your rep to use these questions to help them lessen the possibility of virus transmission, and that helps everyone.

As always, our reps are available to take a phone call to discuss your policies and products. We work to securely transmit any documents and quotes you request via email. And, most of our reps can accept a text from you, if you prefer that method of quick communication via smartphone.

Catholic United Financial doesn’t deal in windfalls and busts – only steady, predictable growth for our members. Our annuities and IRAs* are not market based. For some, they are an ideal safe haven for savings in troubled financial times. Make an appointment with your local representative to connect, review your products and policies, and get back a feeling of control.

*Catholic United IRAs are individual retirement annuities.