Crystal, MN – Keys to Financial Well-Being for Your Aging Parents

Knowlton, WI – Planning for End of Life with Purpose and Peace of Mind Workshop

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Knowlton 150051 Mead Lane, Knowlton, WI, United States

Attend this educational workshop to receive helpful guidance on the decisions we face with end of life planning -- spiritual, medical and financial. A member of the clergy will share about Catholic teaching on health care directives, burial and cremation, and life-honoring decisions regarding end-of-life medical care. A financial specialist will present on estate documentation, […]

Cloquet, MN – Planning for End of Life with Purpose and Peace of Mind

Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Cloquet 102 4th Street, Cloquet, MN, United States

Attend this educational workshop to receive helpful guidance on the decisions we face with end of life planning -- spiritual, medical and financial. A member of the clergy will share about Catholic teaching on health care directives, burial and cremation, and life-honoring decisions regarding end-of-life medical care. A financial specialist will present on estate documentation, […]

Cloquet, MN – Planning for End of Life with Purpose and Peace of Mind Evening Workshop

Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Cloquet 102 4th Street, Cloquet, MN, United States

Attend this educational workshop to receive helpful guidance on the decisions we face with end of life planning -- spiritual, medical and financial. We will share about Catholic teaching on health care directives, burial and cremation, and life-honoring decisions regarding end-of-life medical care. Learn about estate documentation, transferring assets to heirs, reducing the time and […]

Boone, IA – Creating a Giving Plan from Life to Legacy Workshop

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Boone 915 12th St., Boone, IA, United States

Theologian Thomas Aquinas called charity “the most excellent of the virtues” that can “unite us to God”. At this workshop, we will discuss tools that can maximize a modest gift into a substantial legacy for the Catholic parish or charity of your choice. Speaker Robert Heuerman, Executive Director of Catholic United Financial Foundation will share […]