When it comes to paying for college, every little bit helps

Student debt is a topic that everyone seems to touch everyone these days. In 2020, CNBC reported that student debt repayment now tops $1.6 trillion. As mind boggling as that number is, there doesn’t seem to be a way around taking out loans for college.

A focus on careers in technology and the rise of automation in all sectors are making it more and more imperative that future workers earn a degree. And the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) reports that college graduates earn a whopping 80 percent more than their non-college peers.

But as most students are aware, there are few if any “silver bullets” for paying for your college costs. The first place any future college student should go is Studentaid.gov, the Federal Student Aid portal. You’ll find a wealth of knowledge, and the Federal Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) which can be filled out entirely online. You need to fill out a FAFSA every year that you intend to apply for college loans or grants.

Through the FAFSA, you’ll learn if you qualify for any grants (free money), and what loans you can receive from the Federal Government.

When it comes to paying for college, every little bit helps. Every member of Catholic United is eligible to apply for one of our Scholarships. Catholic United’s Scholarship program is one of our longest running member benefits; we’ve given more than $4 million to our members since 1955.

The annual window for applying for your Catholic United scholarship is Feb. 1 through April 30. Members who have not yet received this benefit (it is a one-time grant) are eligible to apply for $500 in aid to a Catholic college or University, or $300 to any non-Catholic, post-secondary institution, including trade schools or apprenticeships.

While there is no easy solution to the enormous amount of college debt in this country, Catholic United’s post-high school tuition scholarship benefit can help. Contact our Member Engagement department at engage@catholicunited.org, or your local Sales Rep (find yours here) to answer any of your questions about scholarships. Or visit our Scholarships page for eligibility information.