Fundraising Programs

Engage with Catholic United Financial to boost your fundraising efforts

Member-Owned. Not-for-Profit. Partner with us.

Membership in Catholic United Financial makes it possible for parishes, Catholic schools, religious education programs and other organizations to get a significant boost in their ability to do the most good.


 – Connect to the faith community through an impressive array of fundraising, social and service programs that encourage faith-fueled community engagement.
– Amplify your ability to attract volunteers, jump-start a project’s financial needs and carry on your faith-directed mission.

The full benefit of our programs is accessed through the volunteer teams in our Giving Network.

A fully engaged parish:

Sales Rep Dan Markell and parish volunteers
  • Uses Catholic United programs and benefits to generate additional revenue and increase volunteer engagement*
  • Creates and manages a dedicated PVT
  • Conducts activities ranging from ice cream socials to large fundraising events at least once a month
  • Applies for grants
  • Receives direct donations from new Catholic United members
  • Hosts financial workshops and webinar watch parties
  • Works with an engaged local Member Advisor

Giving Network Fundraising and Service Programs

Matching Grants

Contributes matching funds for Catholic religious education fundraising efforts. Parish Volunteer Teams (PVTs) can apply for up to $1,000 in matching funds. Learn more…

Member Assistance Grants

When a member is in financial hardship due to traumatic illness, natural disaster or military service, our Member Assistance Matching Grant program will match dollars raised (up to $1,000) at a fundraiser in the name of the member. Learn more…

Volunteer Teams

Local Parish Volunteer Teams (PVTs) and Councils host service and social events at parishes meant to serve parish needs or enrich community life. Learn more…

*Revenue generated can vary due to, but not limited to: size of parish, total Catholic United membership in the parish, grant availability, program rules and guidelines. Please contact your local member advisor for more details.