Member Assistance Grants

Catholic United Financial provides up to $1,000 in matching funds for Council and Parish Volunteer Team sponsored fundraisers that support a Catholic United member* (or member of their household*) in need of financial assistance due to recent hardship.

Councils and Parish Volunteer Teams can hold multiple Member Assistance Grants in a year, however, each event must be held for a different member or family in need. The $1,000 is matched dollar for dollar for each event held throughout the year.

How to receive a member assistance grant

1) Plan an event

 – Inform the recipients of your intent to hold a fundraiser
 – Confirm membership for recipient or recipient’s family with Catholic United Financial
 – Alert your local sales representative
 – Consider additional organizations to collaborate with on the event to increase awareness and attendance
 – Think specifically about the member’s involvement in the community (VFW, boy/girl scouts, 4H, fire department, etc)
 – Make use of our publicity resources to get communication materials put together and distributed to ensure  best-possible results for your event

2) Submit the event

Member Assistance Grant requests are recorded in Isidore, our online activity tracking system. All event details and copies of publicity used are required to submit your activity for payment. If you are an Administrative Coordinator or Fraternal Secretary, log in now to let us know about your next Member Assistance Grant activity.

3) Receive matching funds

Once an event is submitted in Isidore with all necessary requirements (event details and examples of publicity) and has been confirmed after the event, Member Engagement Staff will review for next steps. Upon approval, checks are made out directly to the member in need and hand-delivered by the local sales representative. Funds are matched dollar for dollar, up to $1000 per event.**

* Membership must be attained at least one year prior to the date of the fundraising event. **Applying for the grant does not guarantee funding.