Honoring Memorial Day

Geralyn Nathe-Evens is a columnist for Catholic United Financial
Believe In Love

Blog by Geralyn Nathe-Evens

Catholic United Financial member Geralyn Nathe-Evans is a licensed nurse with a master’s degree in pastoral ministry. Through her education, career practice and suffering the death of her own husband in 2014, Nathe-Evans is a compassionate, optimistic voice finding the glory and comfort of God in our most trying moments. She can be contacted at believenlove@yahoo.com.

To some, Memorial Day may just mean an added day off from work or school to grill and gather with family and friends… 

For millions of others, this day can be challenging, as they remember and mourn the loss of their Veteran loved ones. There are many ways we can show our honor for Military Veterans, those living as well as those who have died. 

Stop and remember at 3pm
I was reminded last night watching TV, of the “National Moment of Remembrance Act,” which was signed into law by then President Bill Clinton in December of 2000.  It states that, every American should pause at 3:00 p.m. for 1 minute on Memorial Day.  Wherever we are, we are asked to pause at 3 p.m. for 1 minute and reflect on those who sacrificed defending the freedom we enjoy each and every day.

Place a flag and honor a Veteran 
Visiting the grave(s) of Veterans is a Pro-Life act.  It is reverence.  It is respectful.  Visit the graveside and if you are able place a flag.  Stop at the grave, pause and say a prayer of gratitude.  While you are there, consider doing some service and clean up any litter you may find.

Say their name, tell the stories
Everyone who has lived has a story to remember.  For Veterans, they have a story of serving and sacrifice that should not be forgotten.  Ask friends and relatives of the deceased to share the story of their service.  Write it down for the generations to come.   Say their name.  It honors the sanctity of every person. 

“Hometown Heroes”, mission is to tell the story of American Veterans.  They honor, educate and inspire us with the stories of our veterans.   Honor a veteran by offering to help them submit their story or submit it in memory of their life.   You may find more information by emailing info@homeTown-Heroes.org.

Gratitude is welcome at any time. 

Send a note of gratitude
I am a firm believer in the art of sending cards, letters and notes.  I enjoy writing cards and notes and I deeply appreciate receiving them as well.  Send a note to a Veteran, their family, their friends and express gratitude for their service.  It is never too late to express our appreciation to others. Gratitude is welcome at any time.

Thank you for your service!
One of the most meaningful ways to honor a Veteran, may well be to thank them.   When my dad was alive and would be recognized by a stranger and thanked, he was always appreciative.  When you see a family of a deceased Veteran, take a moment to recognize their beloved’s service.   

It is always good to recognize others, to take a moment to approach them and politely say, “Thank you for your service!”

Believe n love,


Read more of Geralyn’s posts and about her background on Believe In Love blog.