Estate Planning

No matter the size of your assets, you can put an estate plan together with help from Catholic United Financial to ensure that your estate will benefit the people and charities that matter to you.

Catholic United Sales Representatives and our Advanced Case Specialists can help you create create a quality estate plan that honors your wishes, protects your assets, and aligns with your Catholic faith. Tap into the power of Catholic United Financial.

Expert Advice for Estate Planning

Video: If your financial situation is complex, Catholic United Members can call on an expert

Catholic United Financial has three Advanced Case Specialists on staff to assist our members with complex financial situations, estates and asset protection needs. Watch this short video as our ACS staff talk about who and how they help. (Length –  1:56)

Learn with us

Financial education with a Catholic focus

Reintroducing: Nate Lamusga, Director of Relationship Management

My newly expanded leadership role at Catholic United Financial is to meet and have collaborative conversations with Catholic leaders to find mutually beneficial ways for Catholic United Financial and parishes to work together. We want to support the vision leaders have for their communities, aligned with our vision that all people be financially secure, faith-filled,...
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Stress-Free Downsizing Workshop

Webinar: Stress-Free Downsizing

Attend this workshop to hear from experts who will guide you on: best practices of preparing for a home sale, sorting your stuff, selecting a new living situation, adjusting your estate plan, protecting assets and having the right documentation in the right places.
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Set Up For Success: Raffle program helping schools improve in multiple ways

School leaders and Raffle Coordinators told us the impact of the Raffle continues and the excitement it generates year after year is still going strong.
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Become a member and become something more

Membership in Catholic United Financial starts after you purchase a product from us. Membership means aligning your finances to your faith, and:

  • Making our grants, scholarships and incentive programs possible
  • Encouraging volunteer work and training
  • Fundraising for Catholic parishes, schools and religious education programs
  • Participating in the business decisions of a company that is member-owned and operated
  • Bringing benefits to your local Catholic community