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Women and Their Finances Series:

Growing Your Financial Confidence Starts with Awareness

Webinar Summary

Catholic United Financial encourages women to make learning about personal finance a priority in their lives. Women are, or will be, primary decision makers in their homes when it comes to finances. Women think differently about money — how to spend, when to save, what to donate. And, since women live longer, they need understanding for the long-term. 

Join the conversation as our speaker explains why women need to prioritize personal finance knowledge, and reviews a checklist on how women of any level of knowledge can become more financially savvy.

This is part one of our webinar series, “Women and Their Finances”.

The information in this presentation is based on our understanding of the laws and regulations currently in effect. Catholic United Financial is not permitted to provide legal or tax advice. Consult your personal legal or tax advisor with questions about your specific situation.