Media Content


Media content listed here is available to Catholic publications, parish bulletins and media outlets to republish with proper attribution. Content includes articles, graphics and videos on financial topics, produced by Catholic United Financial employees and experts.

Estate Planning

Article: Four steps to putting together a meaningful estate plan

CLICK HEADLINE TO DOWNLOAD: How do you start an estate plan? John explains four steps to not only starting but putting a plan in place with the right resources and advice. (394 words, Reprint rights granted with proper attribution.)

Article: Catholics, drop your excuses for not having an estate plan

CLICK HEADLINE TO DOWNLOAD: While many people think they can’t control their financial futures, John says we can have control when we’re mindful of what we have. (481 words, Reprint rights granted with proper attribution.)

Article: Estate plans assist us with Catholic stewardship

CLICK HEADLINE TO DOWNLOAD: John describes the many advantages of estate plans regardless of the size of an estate, including the impact on charitable giving. (430 words, Reprint rights granted with proper attribution.)

Charitable Giving

Article: Why wait to give? Charitable giving strategies that benefit you now

CLICK HEADLINE TO DOWNLOAD: Many people use wills to make charitable gifts after their death, but could charitable giving and tax opportunities be lost while we wait? John explains why giving now rather than later might be of benefit to us, our Catholic charities and our families. (492 words, Reprint rights granted with proper attribution.)

Insurance Planning

Article: A magic number? A young family's guide to calculating their life insurance need

CLICK HEADLINE TO DOWNLOAD: Explanation of why young families in particular need the protection of life insurance and how to calculate an appropriate amount of coverage. (540 words, Reprint rights granted with proper attribution.)

Article: The little known financial superpower

CLICK HEADLINE TO DOWNLOAD: There’s a financial superpower lurking in the contracts of our life insurance and retirement accounts. John explains what it is. (509 words, Reprint rights granted with proper attribution.)


When reproducing our content, please use photos of our columnists where space allows.

John Tetzloff, Advanced Case Specialist
Catholic United Financial

John Tetzloff, Advanced Case Specialist

Robert Heuermann, Executive Director
Catholic United Financial Foundation

Robert Heuermann, Executive Director

Harald Borrmann, President and Chair
Catholic United Financial

President and CEO Harald Borrmann


Video content of our programs, Gather4Good® events and more is available on our Vimeo and YouTube channels.

The following logos are the protected property of Catholic United Financial and should not be altered in any way when reproduced. Right click on the image to download.

Catholic United Financial Foundation logo.


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