Minnesota seniors with Medicare coverage need to know these dates

Catholic United Financial, a Trusted Fraternal Life brand > Product News > Medicare Supplement > Minnesota seniors with Medicare coverage need to know these dates

Date-sensitive changes approaching for seniors with Medicare cost plans

by Catholic United Financial staff

In June, the Minnesota Department of Commerce announced that Minnesota seniors currently enrolled in Medicare Cost Plans will be required to switch plans by the end of 2018 due to changes in federal law. The change could affect more than 300,000 Minnesotans. The department recommends that seniors call the number on the back of their health plan member card to inquire about their current status. The department has also released a map of Minnesota counties affected by the changes.

The department announced upcoming deadlines, starting Sept. 15, that will affect the coverage of people enrolled in these plans. Many will be automatically switched to plans from the same providers with similar coverage. All seniors will have the option to switch to other providers and policies if they so choose.

Starting Oct. 1, 2018, Minnesota seniors with Cost Plans can begin to shop for new plans, two weeks in advance of the annual enrollment period for all seniors.

It is important for people to know their Minnesota Medicare Supplement insurance options. Catholic United Financial encourages Minnesota seniors to:

– stay informed on these changes to Medicare coverage
– learn if they are enrolled in a cost plan
– get a quote for Medicare Supplemental Insurance* from Catholic United.

Catholic United Medicare Supplement Insurance plans offer personalized care from a large selection of physicians and specialists, plan options** and a simple claims process that reduces complex claims paperwork.


News on Minnesota Medicare Supplement Insurance Options

Read the Minnesota Dept. of Commerce notice about the changes to Medicare Cost Plans – click here 

Learn more about our Medicare Supplement Insurance plans – click here

Request a quote for Medicare Supplement Insurance – click here

To talk to a specialist about Medicare Supplement Insurance, call Tara at 651-765-6555.

*Neither Catholic United Financial nor its standard Medicare Supplement insurance policy are connected with or endorsed by the US government or the federal Medicare program.  **Plan options vary depending on where you live. This is not a solicitation of insurance.