The WHY of saving money and planning ahead

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Young couple look skeptical about saving

Why do we save? Why do we plan for retirement? Why do we need life insurance? Assigning meaning to these questions can have the benefit of fueling your desire to pursue these personal goals.

It’s difficult to make yourself do something if you don’t understand the meaning behind the act. Especially when it comes to the onslaught of retirement and financial planner advice and advertising, there’s one fundamental question that goes unanswered, “WHY?”

It may be that the purpose of money and of saving it for the future is too self-evident to need explanation. Or, it may be that the worship of money is so ingrained in our current culture and way of life that the mere asking might constitute some sort of fundamental abandonment of a societal norm.

WHY do we save? Why do we plan for retirement? Why do we need life insurance?

Far from being disruptive, assigning meaning to these questions can have the great benefit of fueling your desire to pursue these important personal goals.

Why do we save? As Catholics, we’ve certainly been exposed to the dangers of riches and wealth in scripture: that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven; that love of money is the root of all evil.

But we also know that respect of money and its value to others is a tangible and Godly thing. In Luke’s parable of the talents, the servant who ignores his money and lets it lie fallow earns the master’s rebuke.

It’s clear throughout scripture that obsession with wealth is an evil path. At the same time, the right attitude toward wealth is the mark of true spirituality. How we view our money has everything to do with our attitude toward God, our purpose in life, and our character as a whole.

Catholic United Financial is focused on the WHY. Our Catholic Sales Representatives help our members in their duty to provide for their own future, their community and stewardship, and for their families after they’ve passed. We are not selling just a product. Everyone in the insurance and retirement preparation industry does that. We’re selling a philosophy.

Why do we save? As Catholics, we’ve been exposed in scripture to the dangers of riches and wealth… but we also know that respect of money and its value is a tangible and Godly thing.


The philosophy is that it is our Catholic responsibility to plan for the predictable and unpredictable needs of our family. Thus, we save with liquid funds for our daily needs. We save for retirement to ensure our future needs are met and that we are not a burden to our families. And we purchase life insurance, which fulfills the need to plan for the predictable end of life we’ll all meet, as well as the unpredictable one we hope not to.

And WHY do our members choose Catholic United? Because not only does it meet our biblical expectations of personal financial responsibility, it also seeks to achieve some of our obligation to help and promote the Catholic Church. Supporting the local church is a constant theme in our scriptures, as it should be. It is Catholic United’s constant focus.

Returning our profits to the Catholic churches and schools in our territory is the parallel purpose of our Association. We provide the tools for Catholics to meet their familial obligations, while contributing to the universal obligation of spreading and supporting our Catholic faith.

That’s WHY we save. How about you?