Thank you for your interest in our workshops.

Click on a listing below to view details on each event and how to RSVP. 

Women and Estate Planning Webinar-May 2024

Webinar: Women and Estate Planning

Join Catholic United Financial and Attorney Rachel Schromen for a webinar that will guide women through the fundamental principles of estate planning, offering actionable insights and practical advice.
Stress-Free Downsizing Workshop

Webinar: Stress-Free Downsizing

Attend this workshop to hear from experts who will guide you on: best practices of preparing for a home sale, sorting your stuff, selecting a new living situation, adjusting your estate plan, protecting assets and having the right documentation in the right places.
Funding Strategies for Long-term Care. A FREE webinar for everyone sponsored by Catholic United Financial

Webinar: Funding Strategies for Long-term Care

Attend this educational workshop to learn how a long-term care funding plan can help protect the estate you’ve worked a lifetime to build. Our speaker will share how to avoid an asset-depleting “spend down,” and explain four options of funding a long-term care plan.
Planning for End of Life with Purpose and Peace of Mind Workshop

Webinar: Planning for End of Life with Purpose and Peace of Mind

Attend this workshop to receive helpful guidance on the decisions we face with end of life planning -- spiritual, medical and financial.
Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults and How To Avoid Them

Webinar: Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults and How to Avoid Them

Watch this webinar to learn to identify these common online and phone scams and to avoid becoming a victim.
Medicare and Supplement Insurance Made Easy Webinar on demand

Webinar: Medicare and Supplement Health Insurance Made Easy

Watch this webinar as a specialist guides you through an easy-to-follow summary of Medicare and Medicare Supplement Insurance. 
Keys to Financial Well-Being for Your Aging Parents

Webinar: Financial Well-Being for Your Aging Parents

Adult children know that their parents might be facing age-related financial challenges. This workshop educates on how to take compassionate and forward-thinking action on issues facing elderly parents.

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Do you want to learn more about financial topics on your own time? Visit our webinar channel to find on-demand videos on several financial education topics by our experts.

Request a webinar or workshop

Learn how to make better financial decisions and plan for the future by bringing one of our webinars or workshops to your parish. There are no selling or “buy now” sales pitches at these workshops. They are strictly informational to help parishioners make better financial decisions and plan for the future.

We have a year-long webinar/workshop series that is customizable and pre-packaged for the local Catholic church. Materials and speakers are provided free of charge by Catholic United.