Learn about Medigap

What do the different parts of Medicare cover?

Your coverage choices for Medicare

Watch Video: What are the parts of Medicare?

What are my Medicare coverage choices?

Medicare Coverage Choices

Watch Video: Medicare Advantage vs. Medigap

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Medicare Supplement Health Insurance is underwritten by:
Catholic United Financial
Medicare Supplement Administrative Office
PO Box 64572, Saint Paul, MN 55164-0572

What is Medicare Supplement Health Insurance (Medigap)?

This is government-regulated private health insurance for individuals that supplements original Medicare by paying some health care costs that original Medicare doesn’t cover, such as deductibles and co-pays. As the name suggests, not all of your health care costs may be covered by Medicare Parts A and B, effectively creating gaps in coverage. After Medicare pays for approved amounts for covered health care costs, a supplement Medigap policy pays its share of those costs.

Am I eligible for Medigap insurance?

There are specific requirements that make you eligible to enroll in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance. To enroll you must be:

Age 65 or older

Enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B

Not enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan

How much does Medigap insurance cost?

Medigap insurance is a separate premium cost in addition to your Part B coverage. Policies only cover individuals, not married couples. In many cases, Medigap Insurance from Catholic United Financial is competitively priced compared to other companies. You can get a no obligation quote online or contact your local representative to get a sample of comparison rates. The monthly premium depends on:

  • Your AgeThis applies in some states
  • Where You livePremiums vary between states and counties
  • Available DiscountsDiscounts vary between states and issuing companies
  • Issuing CompanyCompanies might charge different amounts for the same coverage
  • Medical UnderwritingIf purchasing outside of open enrollment or you do not have a guaranteed issue right

Watch Video: How much does Medigap cost?

When can I enroll in Medigap?

If you are eligible to enroll, your initial open enrollment period (the six months after your 65th birthday including your birth month) is your best option to enroll in a Medigap policy and get a competitive premium rate regardless of your health history. You are guaranteed to be eligible for a policy during the open enrollment period.

Watch Video: Why enrollment time is critical

Your Medicare open enrollment period is triggered by your 65th birthday

If you delay enrolling in Medicare Part B due to existing health insurance from an employer or union, your open enrollment period begins after you enroll in Part B. You cannot obtain Medigap health insurance until you are enrolled in both Parts A and B. Other Medigap guaranteed-issue conditions exist depending on specific circumstances. Review the “When Can I Buy Medigap” page on Medicare.gov for more details.

Certain Medicare plans in Minnesota called “cost plans” have been discontinued by the federal government as of Dec. 31, 2018. Owners of these discontinued plans have been notified by the government about replacing their plans and enrolling in supplemental coverage like Medigap. (This does not affect most seniors.) To find out if your cost plan is affected, click here.

Watch Video: Do you automatically get Medicare?

Take your next step

Set up an appointment

 Contact us to schedule a date and time with your local rep that works for you.

Attend a Workshop

Attend a workshop where you will learn to avoid common mistakes, compare plans, help you save on premiums and how to get the best value. Click here to view the schedule.

Get an Online Quote

Complete this confidential form to receive a personalized quote.

Honor Your Faith

We give you the ability to express your faith in a company driven to be a visible leader in the Catholic communities we serve. Click here for more

Do you have a billing or claim question about your Medicare Supplement insurance?
Call 1-800-247-1423

Catholic United Financial and its Medicare Supplement insurance policy are not connected with or endorsed by the US Government or the federal Medicare program. Plan options vary depending on where you live. This is a solicitation of insurance. ©2022 Catholic United Financial

MSW919.2    Last update: 8/20/2019