Medigap Insurance Links and Education

The questions below are common among many people as they search for answers about Medicare and Medigap insurance. Click on the question to get an answer from, the federal website for Medicare information and regulation. 
A senior couple holding fishing poles, sitting on the back of a pontoon.

Am I enrolled in Medicare?

Senior couple talking over and reviewing documents.

What is Medigap Insurance?

Older couple reviewing documents

How much is Medigap?

An older couple walking a scenic path in the woods.

When can I buy Medigap?

Need someone to talk to about enrolling, or a quote?

phone  1-800-568-6670

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Mon-Thu: 8 am to 4:45 pm
Fri: 8 am to 12:30 pm

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Medigap or Medicare Advantage

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Questions to Ask Yourself

Educational Videos

Medigap Links and Education

Billing and Claims Questions

For Policy Holders
For Providers

Medicare Supplement Health Insurance is underwritten by:
Catholic United Financial
Medicare Supplement Administrative Office
PO Box 64572, Saint Paul, MN 55164-0572

Can you afford a complex medical diagnosis on a fixed income

How does Medigap work?

How do I compare plans?

Senior couple in hospital

Is this expense covered?

An older couple looking at their documents with confusion.

What isn't covered by Medicare?

Do you have a billing or claim question about your Medicare Supplement insurance?
Call 1-800-247-1423

Catholic United Financial and its Medicare Supplement insurance policy are not connected with or endorsed by the US Government or the federal Medicare program. Plan options vary depending on where you live. This is a solicitation of insurance. ©2022 Catholic United Financial

MSW919.18    Last update: 10/11/2021